My article pertains to horoscopes and zodiacs and tarot cards. It is in the human nature to be curious about ourselves and there are many people considering the horoscope as the answer to their questions.
Learning astrology is just like learning some new language. Taurus can help Aries rein in some of the more foolish, impractical impulses, and Aries can help Taurus be more spontaneous and adventurous. All these factors cumulatively are termed fate.
There are most likely websites where a one time free horoscope will be offered. This reassures them in some way that this relationship might work just fine because Mr Right has a compatible birth sign to theirs. Ones with the zodiac Taurus, are well-known for their loyalty and devotion.
Or you can choose to ignore the prediction and wait to get evicted or for house to get hit my a tree or worse by lightning. Sagittarians are very trustworthy.