Maybe you call the horoscope hotline on occasion to find out what a reader has to say about your future. There are two ways to group the twelve signs.
The astrologer converts the date and time of the clients birth and then determines the location of the important planets, sun and moon. You will have many problems that will arise at work and you will be responsible for taking action to get these issues resolved in a responsive manner. As if that wasn t enough, they are both born with a Leo ascendant, almost on the same degree, which give them the same royal approach to the world, Leo is the royal sign of the zodiac.
The slight comfort of fate has been replaced by responsibility for one's actions. Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars which is passion, and Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus which is Love).
This information comes from the various houses of the Zodiac, which can take a literal lifetime to study. Librans can be very irritating and stubborn at times. The tenth sign is Capricorn the goat.
Give it a try with someone you know to see how accurate your assessment is, and then try it, without saying anything, on someone you are getting to know, and watch to see how things turn out. In nature, the ripening begun in Leo now reaches full harvest in Virgo.
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