Fellow workers will be seeking guidance from you and they will benefit from your leadership. An Aries-Taurus partnership can be a great learning experience for both Signs.
Taurus sees Aries as possessing that quality they want more of, knowing when and how to grab on to life's opportunities. Hopefully, after reading this, you'll have a pretty good idea if this is something that you want to get into. Millions of lovers everywhere fail to look at or understand the whole person before making a lifetime commitment.
They are possessive by nature, and are even prone to jealousy. A receding chin is sometimes reflective of one who is passive or retiring. Our job in the sign of Capricorn is to be positive role models who demonstrate mastery of accomplishment and right use of power and authority.
Astrology connects your outer world and your inner world to reveal your true potential. As we transform our fears we can then emerge as powerful bearers of light.
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